London’s Time Out Magazine hoisted East India Youth to the top of their ‘Best New Bands’ feature, above killer Brooklyn rapper Joey Bada$$, and a load of hipsters. More or less.
“London producer/singer-songwriter William Doyle is a rare talent” they began, and continued in that vein for a paragraph or two. You can read their enthusiastic prose here.
We heard about EIY back in September, thanks to The Quietus’ Jovian Bow Shock Award , of which EIY were in the running. Due to the this, we’re pointlessly claiming that we were almost the first to discover him. The Quietus like it so much that they’ve set up a label to release an EP which’ll arrive in a couple of weeks (digitally) and see a physical release around the beginning of March.
You can watch East India Youth live, as follows:
Brighton, Green Door Store, 06 February | Tickets
London, Shacklewell Arms, 06 March
London, Birthdays, 16 March | Info
London, Cafe Oto, supporting Land Observations, 21 March