‘Pleasure’ is the debut EP from Denzel Himself, a 22-year-old recording artist and producer from outer London. All ten tracks were written, recorded and produced by Denzel himself – the accompanying video for Thrasher was self-produced and directed also – hence the moniker. Pleasure will be released on Friday 14th April via Denzel’s own label Set Count Worldwide.
Today, Denzel Himself shares the first track ‘Thrasher’, now premiering via Noisey here.
Though ‘Pleasure’ weaves a path through a hip-hop landscape, Denzel is no archetypal rapper, with a widescreen vision for his art as singular as it is diverse. Throughout Pleasure an array of influences are subtly mined, from the melodic R&B of ‘Mister (a J*DaVeY cover)’ to ‘Thrasher’ and ‘Cherry (Hot boy)’, alluding to Denzel’s love of punk. Lyrically, Pleasure is unusually thoughtful, wrapping a deeply personal, brutally honest lyrical content around a resonant, atmospheric canvas, as Denzel’s flow nods to hip-hop’s legacy while sounding utterly unique.
Pre-order EP here, stream Thrasher on all platforms here
For further information please contact Natalie Quesnel at Yes Please
Denzel Himself: Website, Facebook, Soundcloud, Twitter, Instagram